
How do I return my kiosk?

Materials Needed

  • Original packaging material or a sturdy shipping box
  • Bubble wrap or foam padding
  • Packing tape
  • Marker


Contact for Return Label

  1. Request Return Label: Contact Pulse For Good to request a return shipping label.

Preparing the Kiosk

  1. Power Off: Make sure the kiosk is turned off and disconnected from all power sources.
  2. Disassemble: Remove any accessories or peripherals connected to the kiosk.


  1. Initial Layer: Place a layer of bubble wrap or foam padding at the bottom of the box.
  2. Place the Kiosk: Gently place the kiosk in the box.
  3. Fill Gaps: Fill any gaps with additional bubble wrap or foam padding to prevent movement.
  4. Accessories: Place any accessories or peripherals in the box, ideally in separate smaller boxes or wrapped in bubble wrap.
  5. Seal Box: Tape the box securely using packing tape.


  1. Label Box: Clearly write "FRAGILE" on all sides of the box with a marker.
  2. Attach Return Label: Attach the provided return shipping label to the top of the box.