Meaningful words and powerful actions

Pulse Staff

How loud would our actions speak if they were based on meaningful words?

We have all heard the age-old adage, “actions speak louder than words.” So, how loud would those actions speak if they were based on meaningful words?

When we ask for feedback, we are letting our users in on an important part of our process. We are continually looking for ways to improve our own performance and thereby make the experience better for the user. It makes a lot of sense to ask the user for feedback.

What doesn't make sense is not utilizing the feedback we are presented with. If a user expresses concern with an aspect of our product and we do not implement corresponding changes, our user would be left to wonder "why bother"? They may even grow to dislike our company and make it known to other users and potential users.

This disconnect of getting feedback but not using it can be attributed to a lack of listening. We can hear, or even read words from users, without really processing what they are telling us. This effectively communicates to our user "we want to seem like we are interested, but we really aren’t". This also prevents an opportunity to make meaningful changes to our product that have the potential to help a lot of people.

If we had a product we knew was perfect, that could not be improved in any way, we would not ask for feedback. But because we are a company that seeks to continually improve and grow, we ask. When we get feedback, listen, and implement necessary changes, it reflects our willingness to grow, and our promise to provide our users with the best version of our product possible.

Implementing feedback can be difficult when it is not phrased in simple "to do" type steps. Some ways to decide how to make changes based on feedback might be:

Look for a common theme in multiple answers from multiple users: You may not have a clear idea on what needs to change from one response from one user. However, if you notice another user mentioning the same thing, you may be able to get a better idea of changes to be made.

Consider all aspects of the product: It is not unusual at all for creators to have blind spots regarding their product. When something is confusing for the user, we may need to consider something as small as the font we have chosen, or the contrast of colors. These small things can make a big difference.

Regularly look at responses to ensure your understanding: There can be a lot of feedback coming from a lot of users. Regularly consulting the feedback without letting it become overwhelming, and referring back to answers as well, can help you determine the best moves to make moving forward.

Feedback is the life force of any product. It is the most effective tool in improving our product

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